I (Tami) have to admit that I really loathe forgetfulness. I guess it’s because the smallest forgotten things become a grand issue in a family of 12. I also have to admit, that I too have my forgetful moments. Just the other day I spaced it. I forgot all about my 4yr old son’s preschool trip to the pumpkin patch.
I normally attend these kinds of things. I love to have special one-on-one times with my kids. But when I cannot go I always, at the very least, talk it up as if it is going to be a grand adventure! I emphasize the highlights like his chance to ride with his friends on the Big Church Bus! I also dress him to look festive for these special occasions!
I had fully intended on going (even signed a parent participation slip to say I would) but a babysitter for my younger children never worked out. With that, I forgot to let my son’s teacher know that I was not going to be able to attend the field trip with him. The day came and I didn’t even remember to talk to him about the fun he was going to have, nor did I dress him for the occasion. I forgot all about it.
I felt terrible. One of my favorite moments of the year and I missed it! I hate when I don’t live up to my own standards. Like I said before, I loathe forgetfulness.
You see, just the week before this I had an OB appointment scheduled on a Friday morning. It was a pretty significant event. I had been thinking and praying about it for weeks. I was sure not to forget it but somebody else did, my husband! I had talked about the appointment with him a few times during the week and even mentioned that I was feeling a bit anxious about it. But like I said, it was on a Friday. Friday is my usual day to work and that is where Todd believed I was going when I left the house because he had forgotten about the appointment. He didn’t even look at the calendar that day and therefore he didn’t remember that I went to the doctor. Because he did not even know I went, he did not ask me anything about it! When I finally confronted him about forgetting my appointment he felt so bad and was very sorry.
After Todd forgot my appointment, my daughter forgetting many things throughout the week and then my Big forgetful moment the following week, I began to realize something pretty big! We ALL forget. We live such busy lives that some details (even some big ones) get overlooked. I know God didn’t make me forget about my son’s special event that day to get back at me or to give me a dose of my own medicine. He did, however, use the mistake to remind me that we all need grace and forgiveness.
Todd and I have worked hard to create systems to help our family stay on task and not forget things. This blog post wasn’t intended for me to tell you about those systems, instead, I write to remind you that we all have days (sometimes even weeks) of forgetfulness. I write to reminded us all to give our children (and our husbands) the grace and love that is needed when forgetfulness occurs. And if it is the case that you are the forgetful one…give yourself some much needed grace too!
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
~ Ephesians 4:32 ~
Linda Miller
November 2, 2014 at 6:52pmAMEN!! Good message.